The Ashtadhatu DhanDayak Laxmi Ganesh a unique piece of Hindu sculpture made of a special alloy of eight metals, including gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, tin, iron, and mercury. The sculpture depicts Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi seated on a beautiful lotus flower base, which is a symbol of purity and spiritual enlightenment in Hindu culture.
Lord Ganesha is shown with his right-hand side trunk, which is a symbol of good luck and prosperity, while Goddess Lakshmi is depicted with her four hands, symbolizing her power and ability to bestow wealth and prosperity upon her devotees. The sculpture is designed to inspire and uplift those who seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi in their lives.
The Ashtadhatu DhanDayak Laxmi Ganesh idol in Kamal Base is often used as a decorative piece in homes, offices, and temples. It is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to its owner, and is often placed in areas where it can be easily seen and admired. The sculpture is a symbol of the rich cultural heritage of India and showcases the skill and craftsmanship of Indian artisans.
The Ashtadhatu DhanDayak Laxmi Ganesh in Kamal Base is not only a symbol of devotion but also a reminder of the importance of good fortune and prosperity in Indian culture. It is a beautiful and powerful representation of the wealth and prosperity that Lord Ganesh and Goddess Lakshmi bring to their devotees.
Overall, the Ashtadhatu DhanDayak Laxmi Ganesh idol in Kamal Base is a must-have for anyone seeking the blessings of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi, and for those who appreciate the skill and craftsmanship of Indian artisans. Its beautiful design and powerful symbolism make it a unique and valuable addition to any collection of Hindu sculptures.
- This Idol is Made up of Ashtadhatu i.e 90% Brass,10% of Other Essential Seven Metals.
- This idol is 100% Lacquer Coated which Protects it from Getting Dull even after several Years. Washing Care:Lacquer Coated Idols doesn’t Need regular washing.You can clean it with wet cloth.
- Great hand work, handmade by our brilliant artists, Made from Premium Quality Material and Hand Crafted in India. You can use it as home / office / living room decor or as a ideal lucky gift item for your loved ones.
We ACHLESHWAR are the 55+ years old manufacturers of Various Pooja Articles ,Religious and Spiritual items/idols or yantras.We deal only in products that make us satisfy with its quality. Buying products with the name of our brand makes you assure about the genuineness, purity and accuracy which the shastra’s define.
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